Life @ MaanTech
We strive to make MaanTech a great place to work by creating an engaging, inclusive and safe environment that rewards success and encourages employees to take control of their personal development.
At the core of the Group's people strategy is our focus on employee engagement. Engagement is a key driver of productivity and performance, which creates the foundation of our performance culture. We encourage and focus on the behaviors that bring out the very best from every employee, assessing their performance not just on results but on how those results were achieved. To further embed these behaviors we have a remuneration program in place, carefully designed to incentives our employees to live our values every day. We have always taken a view that our remuneration policies should support and drive our business strategy and reinforce our values. We believe these are sound and aligned to external best practice standards with risk-based and robust governance structures. Our annual performance bonuses are discretionary and are delivered in a combination of cash and deferred shares. They are set with regard to an assessment of risk and other factors such as achievement of our management agenda, risk management and economic backdrop, as well as profit.
MaanTech Value Proposition
The MaanTech employer brand positioning builds on our strengths and communicates MaanTech as an organization that offers its employees a complete Global IT Career by highlighting the three main value propositions;
- Global exposure
- Freedom to work across domains
- Work life balance
Culture Potpourri
People from diverse backgrounds and geographies have come together in pursuit of a common vision.
Open Door Policy
Our corporate culture is open and inclusive; irrespective of your experience, you will immediately be welcomed into the team and would always have a significant role to play.
On-the-Job Learning
Intense training and development programs facilitate on-the-job learning.
Mentor Programs
Our mentor programs foster supportive relationships that help develop skills, behavior and insights to enable you to attain your goals.
Global Family Identity
What sets MaanTech apart is the support, Encouragement and Nurturing provided to you at every step just like a family.